Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Computer Nut (Puffin Story Books)

Ten-year-old Kate begins a communication exchange on a computer with someone purporting to be from outer space, who says he is going to pay a visit to Earth soon.

Customer Review: mystery story

The Computer Nut is about this girl named Kate who was using her dad's computer in his office for homework. Suddenly, a message pop up from nowhere. THEY WEREN'T EVEN ONLINE WITH CHATTING PEOPLE! SHE FOUND OUT THAT BB-9 WAS AN ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE BOOK, THEN RUN TO THE LIBRARY AND BORROW THE COMPUTER NUT BY BETSY BYARS>>>

Customer Review: "I will never Touch Down Again!"

corny, but entertaining. This book was a classic. A girl, finishing up homework on a buisness computer gets contacted by an extraterrestrial life form who suggests that he is visiting earth soon. They keep in comunication throughout the whole book. Whether the alien is real or just a prank is really up to the reader to decide.
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