This book is about change. Me-Centric computing will revolutionize how we approach computing and appliances of all types. In fact, we won't have to approach them at all. In some cases they will "know" what it is we want them to do. In this book, technology and business strategists learn how to make me-centric computing work for them. Until recently, the growth of computer usage has been driven primarily around the ability of computers to crunch numbers, handle text, and edit documents and slide presentations. Computers in the backroom were invisible to us. Productivity gains were modest initially and probably reached diminishing returns some time ago. The world is about to be turned upside down, however. This new technology is called "me-centric" because it fits into the individual's life in a natural way, conforming to preferences and requirements, taking orders, and performing a variety of delegated tasks. In me-centric computing, every appliance becomes part of my environment, my team, my extension. I get increased power, save time, have more fun, do fewer menial tasks because the vast power of computers, communications, and software is working in concert to do my bidding.
Customer Review: Great book on technology
Roth and Amor provide a great book on how to simplify technology. If we do not try to simplify it, it will become unmanageable in the future. The book shows what the problems are and how to solve them. Unfortunately, production was weak and there are some figures are not very well readable. Please change this in the reprint.
Customer Review: Designing a Me-Centric World is cool!
This book talks about a radical change in IT. It shows how computers should be programmed. Not in a tool-centric way, but in a user-centric way, meaning that not the functionality is the main focus, but the usefulness of the system towards the user. In many cases, you can see systems that are full of features everyone and nobody needs. If these systems would only provide the functionality that I need at a given time, it would reduce the complexity of that system and would enable me to do my work faster. By connecting all sorts of devices and services, it is possible to create new me-centric service chains that can give better value to me.
The book provides a lot of good ideas how this can look like in the future, but also shows what is necessary from a development point of view to make this happen. Technical, social and business aspects are introduced and enable the solution architect for a new product/service to make it me-centric.
A must for product development!
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