Monday, May 25, 2009

Microsloth joke book (Berkeley Humor/Computers)

Who in computing doesn't like to pick on Microsoft now and then? (Other than Bill himself, that is.) Here's a book full of some of the funniest jabs ever thrown at the software giant. There are the classic forms, such as the light bulb jokes ("Q: How many Microsoft testers does it take to change a light bulb? A: We just notice that the room is dark. We don't fix the problems.") and standard stories. ("Bill Gates dies and sees St. Peter....") There are also riffs on popular culture ("What if Star Trek computers ran on Windows 95?"), spoofs of Microsoft press releases, a clever parody of Microsoft's marketing program written in the C programming language, and the story of Genesis told as if God were running creation on a PC. But Microsoft isn't the only company The Microsloth Joke Book pokes fun at. Intel rouses its share of laughs as well with the company's famous Pentium flaw. The book features a hysterical script based on 2001: A Space Odyssey where HAL runs with a Pentium chip. ("HAL: You must think I'm a fool, Dave. I know that two plus two makes 4.000001. Make that 4.0000001.") Although The Microsloth Joke Book is a slim volume, it's big on laughs.

Customer Review: The second funniest book on Microsoft

This is the second funniest book relating to Microsoft. The funniest being the Microsoft Interface Guidelines.

Customer Review: Very Very funny

This book brings to light some of the funniest microsoft jokes i have ever heard! This book was an instant hit with me and my friends. It just bashes DOS, WIN95/98/NT with a vengance. Great for the computer freak in your life. (or even you!)
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